How to Avoid Beard Acne in Black Men During Summer

Posted by Golden Grooming on July 16, 2024
A man with a healthy-looking beard.

Summer is the time for sunny days, outdoor activities, and unfortunately for some, an uptick in skin issues, including beard acne.

For black men, maintaining a sharp, healthy beard is a point of pride, but it can also lead to unique challenges such as increased acne under the facial hair.

Here, we’ll dive into some effective beard acne treatments for black men, offering skincare advice and product recommendations designed to keep your beard looking great and your skin clear.

Why Beard Acne Happens

A black man looking concerned with his beard acne.

Underneath the rugged appearance of a beard, your skin is working hard to adapt to both the weight of the hair and the environmental factors at play.

Here are some primary reasons why beard acne tends to show up:

  • Trapped Dirt and Oil: A beard can trap dirt, sweat, and excess sebum (the natural oil your skin produces), more easily than a clean-shaven face. This can lead to clogged pores where acne bacteria thrive, especially if the cleansing isn’t thorough.
  • Ingrown Hairs: Common in black men due to naturally curly hair, ingrown hairs can be mistaken for pimples but actually represent hair that has curled back and re-entered the skin, causing inflammation and sometimes infection.
  • Friction from Facial Hair: The constant friction and rubbing of coarse beard hair against your skin can irritate and potentially damage your skin's protective barrier, making it more susceptible to acne.
  • Improper Shaving Techniques: Shaving can also exacerbate acne issues. Using dull razors, shaving too closely, or practicing poor aftercare can introduce bacteria to the pores and cause irritation and breakouts.

Proper Cleansing: The First Line of Defense

When combating beard acne treatments for black men, never underestimate the power of proper cleansing.

It's not just about splashing some water on your face and calling it a day. Effective cleansing is a pivotal step that impacts the health of both your beard and the skin underneath.

For those of you growing a beard, it’s crucial to not only cleanse the surface but also get down to the skin beneath the facial hair.

Dirt, oil, and environmental pollutants can get trapped under the beard, creating a breeding ground for bacteria which leads to acne.

What You Need:

  • Use a dedicated beard cleanser: Regular face washes might not be formulated to penetrate through thick beard hair. Look for cleansers specifically made for beards as they are designed to both clean the hair and effectively reach the skin underneath.

Bonus Tip: Use an all-natural shampoo like this one from Golden Grooming to prevent dryness and dandruff.

  • Technique Matters: When cleansing, take your time to massage the product in with your fingertips. This helps the cleanser to better penetrate the skin and hair follicles, providing a deeper clean and helping to dislodge any buildup of dirt and oil.
  • Water Temperature: While hot water might feel relaxing, it can strip your skin and beard of essential oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Instead, opt for lukewarm water which is effective at cleansing without being too harsh.

Don’t Overdo It: Cleansing too frequently can also irritate the skin and disrupt the natural balance of oils, which in turn can increase oil production and exacerbate acne conditions.

Twice a day should generally suffice — once in the morning to clear away the oil that builds up overnight, and once in the evening to remove the day’s dirt and grime.

Post-Cleansing Care: After cleansing, a quick pat down with a soft towel is preferable over vigorous rubbing, which can irritate the skin and aggravate existing acne.

Follow up with a suitable moisturizer that maintains the skin’s hydration without clogging pores — remember, hydrated skin is healthy skin.

Exfoliation: Clearing the Way

To further combat beard acne treatments for black men, exfoliation is your secret weapon. It involves the removal of dead skin cells that can accumulate and clog pores, leading to acne.

For those with beards, it's crucial not merely to exfoliate the visible skin, but also beneath the beard where dead skin can easily build up and isn't always reached by regular cleansing.

Why Exfoliate?

Exfoliating helps to ensure that the skin renewal process remains on track, preventing the build-up of dead skin cells and debris that can contribute to acne.

This process is especially vital in black men, as the curly nature of their beard hair can lead to increased instances of ingrown hairs, which exfoliating can help prevent.

Choosing Your Exfoliation Method:

  • Chemical Exfoliants: These are highly recommended for treating beard acne because they help to dissolve dead skin cells without physical abrasion.

Ingredients like salicylic acid (BHA) are ideal as they can penetrate deeply into the pores to clear them out. Glycolic acid (AHA) can also be beneficial, particularly for smoothing the skin’s surface and improving texture.

  • Physical Exfoliants: If you prefer physical exfoliation, opt for a gentle scrub designed for delicate facial skin. Be cautious not to over-scrub, as harsh abrasives can damage the skin and exacerbate acne issues.

Our Top Pick: Golden Grooming’s All Natural Exfoliator (Perfect for that deep BUT gentle scrub)

How Often Should You Exfoliate?

The right balance is crucial.

Over-exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to increased oil production and potential breakouts, while under-exfoliation can leave those dead skin cells on the skin to clog pores.

For most, exfoliating 2-3 times a week is sufficient. Pay attention to how your skin responds and adjust accordingly.

Best Practices

  • Be Gentle: Regardless of the method, a gentle touch is key. Abrasive scrubbing can irritate existing acne and aggravate sensitive skin under your beard.
  • Timing Matters: Exfoliate in the evening to allow your skin to heal overnight, reducing the likelihood of irritation from environmental factors throughout the day.
  • Follow Up: After exfoliation, it’s essential to follow up with a soothing moisturizer to help restore any moisture lost during the process and to protect the skin as it heals.

Non-comedogenic Products: Prevent Pore Blockage

When it comes to preventing and treating beard acne, choosing the right products is crucial. For black men with beards, using non-comedogenic products is particularly important.

These products are specifically designed not to clog pores, helping to minimize the risk of acne developing under your beard.

Why Non-Comedogenic Products?

Non-comedogenic products are formulated to not contribute to comedones—fancy speak for blocked pores—which means less risk of breakouts and irritations beneath your beard.

This is key, especially during summer when increased sweat and oil production can make the skin more prone to acne.

Golden Grooming’s Beard Oil and Balm

Speaking of suitable products, Golden Grooming’s Beard Oil and Balm are stellar examples of non-comedogenic beard care essentials.

These products are thoughtfully crafted to care for both your beard and the skin underneath:

  • Beard Oil: It’s lightweight, absorbs quickly, and most importantly, doesn’t clog pores. It’s designed to nourish the hair and skin with natural ingredients that regulate oil production rather than adding excess oil to your skin.


  • Beard Balm: This balm provides hold and styling ease while doubling as a deep conditioner. Like the beard oil, it’s formulated to nurture without clogging pores, ensuring your beard looks great without compromising the health of your skin.


How to Use These Products:

  • Start Clean: Always start with a clean beard; apply oil or balm post-shower or after washing your face to ensure that you’re hydrating and conditioning cleanly.
  • Application: For the oil, a few drops are all you need. Work it through your beard and down to the skin. For the balm (After Oil ALWAYS), emulsify a small amount between your fingers before working it through your beard for styling and conditioning.
  • Consistency Is Key: Regular use will not only improve the current condition and appearance of your beard but also protect and enhance the skin underneath from potential breakouts and irritation.

Treat Existing Beard Acne

If you're already dealing with breakout beneath your beard, incorporate beard acne treatments for black men formulated with benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil.

These ingredients are known for their antibacterial properties and can help reduce both the number of acne-causing bacteria on the skin’s surface and inflammation associated with breakouts.

If your acne persists or seems to get worse, please visit a medical professional.

Adjust Your Routine for Summer

During summer, you might need to adapt your skincare routine.

Increased temperatures and humidity can cause the skin under your beard to become oilier and more prone to acne.

You might find that using lighter serums or gels instead of heavy creams will help prevent excessive oiliness.

Keep up to date with the latest Summer Grooming Tips on our blog.

The Bottom Line

Employing the right beard acne treatments for black men involves a proactive approach.

Regular cleansing, appropriate exfoliation, and the use of suitable products can diminish the impact of summer on your skin’s health.

By adjusting your skincare routine to account for seasonal changes and choosing products that address the unique needs of black skin, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a clear, healthy beard all summer long.

Don't let beard acne ruin your summer vibes. With these targeted strategies, you can keep your beard and skin in top-notch condition, ensuring that acne takes a back seat so you can enjoy every sunny day to the fullest.

Remember, a little prevention goes a very long way in the realm of skincare!